Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sketch Book #4

I have just recently finished my fourth sketch book from the past two years. I don't have too much to say about the things I did except that this shows my new found love for gouache and I tried to experiment with different styles and mediums.

Ink, Gouache, Watercolor 


Charcoal, Pastel 


Colored Pencil, Pastel, Gouache 


Charcoal, Pastel 


Ink, Pastel Pencil 

Gouache, Ink 


Charcoal, Gouache, Ink 

Graphite, Ink, Gouache 

Gouache, Ink 

Collage, Graphite, Pastel 

Gouache, Charcoal, Pastel 


Colored Pencil, Charcoal, Ink 


Pen, Gouache 

Ink, Colored Pencil, Chalk Pastel 


Around My House

These pictures are all of things that are around my house. These were taken outside and all of the were taken with a digital camera; the right light makes everything appealing...including these. Most of them were taken of my younger cousins' cardboard fort, which collapsed because it had to.....eventually.

Cardboard Fort 1  

Cardboard Fort 2 

Cardboard Fort 3 

Cardboard Fort 4 


Bodega Bay

I spent a week or so in Bodega Bay (just north of San Francisco). It is miserable there, but only because there is no warmth and huge gusts of wind which makes the sand sting your skin. However, there are some really cool photography opportunities and inspiration.
(All of these were taken with a Digital Camera)


Friday, August 10, 2012

Film Camera

I got this film camera, an Olympus OM-5. My Dad had it lying around the house and he said "okay." I took that as a "yes, you can have the camera" so its mine now. I have spent half the summer using the camera, taking Black & White photos, and only half of them are worth looking at. I messed around with a few lenses and settings on the camera and I produced these photos. I have two more rolls of film to develop so those will get posted ASAP!

Children Spirits 1  

Yes, I am a Dog 



The Dog is the Family 

You Called... 

Waiting for an Owner 

Mission District 

Children Spirits 2 

Children Spirits 3 

 Children Spirits 4



I made this-- thing out of terracotta clay. The disreputable box the clay came in wasn't labeled (I am not able to fire it), therefore; I painted it with a clear acrylic gel to prevent the clay dust from being rubbed off. I have been told by some preachy people that it looks-- "rude." As much as I resent that remark, I have to admit, it reflects some validity (Sigmund Freud is unfortunately right). As a result, this will be titled "Rude." So for those who called it "rude"--your welcome.