Friday, October 28, 2011

Still Life (in Progress)

Charcoal and White Pastel


  1. NEIL! Hi. I really like your still life :) The objects you've chosen are really interesting, and I keep trying to find connections between all of them but I'm not sure if there really is one. What is the object to the left of the clock? It looks almost like a pepper. I have no idea.
    I know it's still in progress, so I have no idea what you'll be doing with the background, but it seems a bit unbalanced to me. I like that you've included the edge of the cloth (on the table? some surface) but I think you need more tones in the background to make sure it doesn't just feel empty. Also, I think the shading of the cloth could benefit from some midtones. The shadows feel very heavy and thick, and I think if you smudged them out a bit they might look softer and more natural. Aside from that, the clock is a bit irregularly shaped, but it's kind of interesting that way. You're doing a great job so far and I can't wait to see how this turns out :)

  2. for a still life its not too realistic, but its come out pretty well. its got that neil feel to it. doing a still life with more things would be pretty good too. and yeah the bg could be addressed. doin good son

  3. It really has a Neil-flare to it, and I like it~

    I do think that the fabric needs more depth though. But nice job so far!

  4. Neil: I really like this so far. You're style really shines through, in a good way! It kind of reminds me of a Dalí because of the clock and slightly cartoony feel. Don't worry about the realistic element because it's more interesting this way. Just make sure you do something with the background. Everything else looks really good and your objects are very interesting. I'm excited to see the finished piece!

  5. Wow Neil this is starting to turn out really well. I really like your contrast and your shading so far is pretty good. Although I think a lot of the shadows still need work. Your objects that you chose for the piece are really cool but, I feel like they're really flat. Like on the shadows on the fabric. It feels like they're only under the folds when normally those shadows continue out onto the plain of fabric due to what sides are facing the light and what ones aren't. Also I think you need to look at a different squash and find one that has some texture. I think that it would add to the piece a lot and help give everything more depth. Other than that, keep up the good work and it's coming along well!

  6. Neil!!!!!THIS IS NOT FAIR! YOU'RE CHEATING!!!!!!!kkkk I like it a lot! It looks so picasso-ish to me :) i like the folds too! i think you need to hightlight the clock(alarm) alittle bit more...and also adding something to the background might help too! :D


  7. honestly i dont have any critiques for this. this is amazing neil. you have such a distinct style for every piece you do and i love it. keep up the good work, bud! (:

  8. it's like abstract+realistic, I love it. I just think the watch looks a little flat, so work on more shading! Good Job!

  9. Background, background, background. work on the area to the right of the clock and then we will see what you need to do after that.
